Pregnant with our third bean and a Hematoma

This blog is dedicated to our third pregnancy and baby. Before life began for our child, our pregnancy was put at risk by a subchorionic hematoma/ subchorionic hemorrhage. Basically it is a blood clot between the placenta and the uterine wall.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Home from Ultrasound

Hematoma is gone!!! I am off bedrest!! I can now officially start enjoying my pregnancy Baby is still measuring behind by 4 days so they are insisting my due date is like 2nd of July somebody better explain to Chris who the father is then since he was away around my supposed conception date and how I got a + HPT at "5" DPO. PIA's... I hope my doctor keeps my DD because I refuse to change it just because the baby is measuring smaller.

Babies heart rate was measuring 170

heres a pic its not the best I have a tilted uterus so its hard to get good images early on

and the heart rate

Thank god its Wednesday

Our second ultrasound is today at 4pm "Thinking shrink"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

8 weeks

I can't believe how fast he past 5 weeks have gone. I feel so big already♥ I can't wait for my ultrasound tomorrow.

4 weeks. 

8 weeks.                        


Monday, November 16, 2009


Its Monday the 16th two days until our second ultrasound. I know it doesn;t do any good to sress and worry but I mean honestly who in their right mind can really tell a woman not to worry about their own child and think its okay? If you thought your child was sick would you worry? Of course! So why wouldn't I worry about mine? Even though he isn't born it doesn't mean I love it any less or its any less of a child. The last few days my nausea has died right down from me getting up in the morning and dry reaching until I feel like my head will expload to nothing. I know it doesn't always mean anything but of course now I can't help but think that its gone because he's gone. I am dying to run to the supermarket and buy another HPT just so I can make sure the line is still there lol. I had hardly any morning sickness with our son so I'm sure everythings fine but seriously I cannot wait to reach the second trimester. I just hope the next 48 or so hours go by really quick so that we can go and see our little bug and put my mind to ease.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bed Rest Guilt

Its only been 4 days since I've been on bedrest but it already feelings like an eternity... So far my partner Chris has been fantastic and understanding but I'm just not the type of girl who can sit around doing nothing. Its driving me mad!! I truly hope I don't have to do this for the next 7 and a half months.


Welcome to my blog.
My name is Emma and I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with our third child. At our first ultrasound last week it was discovered that I have a hematoma. It has been one roller-coaster ride of emotions since.
Thursday the 5th of November we had the ultrasound. We were overjoyed to see one little healthy bean and he/she had a nice little HB. Unfortunately something they did see in the ultrasound was the a hematoma. The sonogramer explained to us a little about what it was and said not to be too concerned if I had some bleeding etc etc. I was really surprised I hadn't bled at all. I had been cramping a fair bit and my doctor said during my internal that my uterus was quite tender but I didn't think much of any of that.
I couldn't talk to my doctor until Tuesday because he was away. 10am Tuesday morning I called him to see about my ultrasound results. I told him I was concerned about the hematoma. My doctor was confused and said he'd just read the ultrasound report and there was nothing report about a hematoma. After me practically crying on the phone telling him I saw it, He said he would go to the hospital and look at my ultrasound pics himself and call me and let me know what he thought.
He called me back roughly an hour or two later, He leaves the clinic early on Tuesdays so he went over to the hospital and had a look at the ultrasound himself. He called me and said there is a hematoma. He was really angry that it wasn't reported and even had the head U/S technician doctor look at the reports and they are both in agreement that it should of been noted. Apparently the radiologist person, who ever that did the report was very apologetic... He said that unfortunately the hematoma puts my pregnancy at risk and he wanted me to come in, in the morning and talk with him about it. He booked me in for another scan 2 weeks from my last one so next Wednesday the 18th.
So the next day myself and my Fiancee went into the clinic to talk to him. Basically he explained that the hematoma has only taken up 10% of the placenta. He said that next week at my ultrasound the hope is as my uterus baby and placenta grows the hematoma will either stay the same size or shrunk. But what can happen is as the placenta grows so does it and eventually it grows so big that it rips the placenta away from the wall (placenta abruption)and I could lose the baby. He is really positive though and left me feeling a lot more positive. I'm on modified bed rest, no heavy lifting, sex etc etc...